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Frequently Asked Questions

When did Career Tech High School open?

The Career Tech High School opened in August 2023

Where is Career Tech High School located?

CTHS at is located at the intersection of River Road and White Dome Dr.  approximately one block north of Exit 3 on the Southern Parkway.

Does Career Tech High School have boundaries for attendance?

No, Career Tech High School does not have attendance boundaries.  Any student who resides in Washington County may apply.

Are students who do not attend a Washington County School District School eligible to attend Career Tech High School?

Current Washington County School District Students have priority for attendance at the school.  However, any student who resides in Washington County may apply to attend.

Can Students From All Grade Levels Apply to CTHS?

CTHS initially accepted students for grades 9 – 12 to start the first year.  However, CTHS only anticipates accepting new 9th grade students in the future.

 CTHS may accept a limited number of sophomores each year, based on space availability.  Students who are interested in attending CTHS as sophomores may contact CTHS for information about how to apply.  We do not anticipate accepting incoming Juniors or Seniors.

What grades attend Career Tech High School?

CTHS will house students in grades 9-12 (Other WCSD High Schools in the St. George Area house grades 10-12).

Can a student attend Career Tech High School part time and their boundary school part time?

No, students will attend CTHS on a full schedule which includes their required core classes and elective classes associated with the career pathway of their choice.

Will Transportation be provided for students who attend CTHS?

Busing is provided to CTHS from other high schools in the St. George and Hurricane areas.  Additional information about the bus schedule can be viewed by clicking on the BUS SCHEDULE on the quicklinks section of our home page.

What pathways will Career Tech High School offer to students?

In addition to the classes required for graduation, CTHS will offer eight different career pathway programs to students.  The focus of these pathway programs will be to help students acquire national industry certifications that prepare them for advanced training and education opportunities or to enter the workforce immediately after graduation.  The pathways are:

          Business, Finance, Entrepeneurship

          Computer Science

Construction and Architecture

Culinary Arts, Tourism and Hospitality

Engineering, Technology and Robotics

Early Childhood Ed and Teaching as a Profession 

Graphic Design and Digital Media

Health Sciences           

Additional information can be found by following the links on the bottom of the homepage of this website.

How does a student apply to attend Career Tech High School, and when does the application window open?

Students will be able to apply to CTHS using an online Google Form.  Links to the online application form can be found by clicking on the red presentation schedule box on our home page. Washington County School District students will receive application information and procedures through their schools during the fall of 2024.  The application window will open in October and remain open until December 20 2024.

How does a student choose a pathway?

The online application form includes a section for students to indicate their top two pathway choices.

Is there a limit to the number of students who can enroll in each pathway?

Due to the limited amount of physical space in the building and to keep a balanced course enrollment at the school, there will be a limit to the number of students that can be accepted into each pathway.  Because students will be applying to individual pathways, there may be greater competition for acceptance into some pathways than others.

Can a student change their pathway once they have started?

Because industry credentials and certifications will be a major focus of each pathway, changing pathways midway through the program may make it difficult to complete the requirements for the certifications associated with the new pathway.  With this in mind, changes to pathways are discouraged, but may be allowed early in the process (freshman or sophomore year), if space is available in desired pathway.

Will Career Tech High School follow the same daily schedule as other high schools?

CTHS will follow a A/B block schedule with 4 periods each day. However, CTHS will have earlier start and release times than other district high schools. This is to accommodate students who participate in extracurricular activities at their boundary schools or who have employment opportunities after school.  To see the bell schedule, click on the BELL SCHEDULE link in the QUICK LINKS box on our home page.

Will Career Tech High School offer traditional extra curricular activities?

CTHS will NOT offer sports, music, drama, or debate.  However, students will be allowed to participate in after school extracurricular activities at their boundary high schools if they desire to do so.

What extra curricular activities will be available for Career Tech High School students?

CTHS will sponsor school clubs associated with the state and national organizations for each pathway.  Examples of these organizations may include, but are not limited to:

DECCA for the marketing pathway

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) for Business and Finance

FCCLA for Culinary Arts

HOSA for Health Science

Technology Student Association (TSA) for Information Technology and Engineering

Skills USA for Construction and Architecture

          Educators Rising for Early Childhood/K-12 Teaching as a Profession

Students may have the opportunity to compete in state and national level events sponsored by these organizations.

Will Career Tech High School have student leadership opportunities?

CTHS will  have leadership opportunities in student government at the school and through the pathways.  It will also offer student leadership opportunities in the student organizations associated with each career pathway.

Will Career Tech High School offer social activities?

CTHS will sponsor dances, assemblies,  class competitions and other types of social activities. 

How do I get additional information about the Career Technical High School?

During the 2nd quarter of the 2024-2025 school year, CTHS administration will visit each WCSD middle school to present information about CTHS.  Evening meetings will also be scheduled at CTHS during the same time period to present information to parents and community members.   To view the CTHS presentation schedule for 2024, Go to the New Students ribbon on the home page and click on the 2024 CTHS Presentation Schedule button.