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Career Tech High School welcomes applications from incoming freshmen each year.

Application forms will become available when the application window opens in the fall.

During the application window, CTHS representatives visit district middle schools and select private/charter schools to share information with 8th-grade students. Additionally, CTHS hosts evening presentations and school tours for interested parents and students. The full presentation schedule will become available in the fall.

What are the requirements to apply when the application window opens in the fall?

As part of the application process, All students will be asked to submit the following documentation.  

  1. A three minute (or shorter) video of themselves that answers the following questions. 
    • Why do you want to attend Career Tech High School?
    • Which pathways are you applying for (Students may apply for two pathways)
    • What background and experience you may have in the pathways you are applying for at CTHS?
    • What other things would you like the administration and faculty at CTHS to know about you?
    • Note:  A common problem with videos in the past was that the speaker could not be understood.  Please be sure that the sound on your video is loud enough that the speaker can be heard clearly.                                  
  2. The correct email address of a current teacher who CTHS can contact for a reference.

    Out of district students will also be required to submit the following additional documentation from their current schools to the CTHS counseling office by.

    1. A transcript showing 1st semester grades for the current school year
    2. An attendance report for the 1st semester of the current school year.

    Out of district applications that do not have this documentation submitted by the deadline will not be considered.

    Missed the deadline and want to be considered?

    Join the Incoming Freshman & Sophomore Alternate list for 2025-2026 School Year

    The Red link below is intended for current 8th and 9th grade students who wish to be placed on a waitlist to attend Career Tech High School starting in the 2025-2026 School Year (their freshman or sophomore year).  If space becomes available in one or more pathways for the 2025-2026 school year, students from this list will be contacted by CTHS administration to discuss enrollment options.

    Please fill out the application form to be included on the wait-list for the 2025-2026 school year.  

    Applicants who do not attend a Washington County District School, will be required required to submit the following information as part of the application process.

    1.   A transcript from their current school showing course grades from the 2024-2025 school year
    2.  An attendance report from their current school from the 2024-2025 school year

    Space availability will not be determined until the end of the 2024-2025 school year.   Applicants should not expect to receive invitations until the summer of 2025. 

    Please feel free to call CTHS if you have additional questions or concerns at 435 634 7045